Better Farm Welcomes Three Very Special Guests

This weekend Better Farm enjoyed the company of Cheryl, Annie, and Sarah of New York City and Philadelphia. They brought with them home goods to donate, and willing arms and legs to help us out with a few ongoing projects. We are very blessed to have such wonderful people track us down and lend their hands. That sort of humanity invigorates this space and validates our efforts at Better Farm.

But first things first. Here are Sarah and Cheryl just after arriving Thursday evening, already getting in the spirit of our family dinners:

On Friday the ladies got right to work. Last Tuesday Fred gave one pass along a couple hundred feet of ground with his rototiller to loosen up the hard, recently hayed ground for planting. Here's Sarah carrying a bale of hay from the barn:

We had a bunch of raspberry trimmings to plant, so the girls set about nailing stakes into the ground equidistant apart for the stalks. From there, it was just a matter of a little digging and getting the raspberry plants good and comfortable. The strip of land these plants will frequent get lots of excellent sunshine (raspberries need at least six hours of daylight daily) and is conveniently located close to the house to make for easy picking and noshing.

The girls also threw their weight behind helping to clear out the attic attached to the loft. Cheryl, Annie, and Sarah hauled everything from electric train sets to typewriters out of the space, which we're planning to reinsulate and convert into another loft accessible by a ladder from the upstairs hallway. The empty cardboard boxes were great kindling for a good old fashioned campfire we made Saturday night. Between that, a nature hike Friday, raucous visit to the Redwood Tavern, steady chilling on lawn chairs outside, pancake breakfasts and Mexican feasts, we count this visit as perfect. Thank you ladies for all your hard work and kind donations to Better Farm!

Please contact us if you'd like to pay a visit to Better Farm.