Agricultural Drainage Systems

The popularity of plastic pipes nowadays is no secret. Most companies have decided to use plastic over metal for a whole host of reasons. Not only is plastic more cost-effective, but also it is more durable and it is the more environmentally friendly option as well. Nonetheless, instead of looking at a general overview of plastic pipes and why they are recommended, this post assesses plastic pipework in relation to the agricultural industry. After all, an increasing number of farmers are choosing to go down this route when it comes to their pipe systems. Thus, keep on reading to discover everything you need to know…

One of the main reasons why so many people favor plastic pipes instead of metal pipes is because they are much more durable. This is because metal corrodes and rusts, yet plastic does not. This is especially important in the agricultural industry. Why? Well, most farmers use a lot of chemicals, such as pesticides and fertilizers. If these were to come into contact with metal they would cause corrosion. Over time this would lead to damages and the pipes would leak, causing costly repairs and replacements. However, you don’t have to worry about this with plastic, as there will not be a reaction between the material and the chemicals that are passing through the system. They can be used alongside metal Grundfor CR pumps and other pumps, though, so you will get the best of both worlds. This is without a doubt one of the greatest benefits of plastic pipes when using them for agricultural purposes. 

Nevertheless, it is not the only benefit you will gain. As mentioned in the introduction, plastic pipes are the more cost effective solution. This is important when running any type of business. After all, everyone knows how important it is to keep business costs as low as possible. There are many different ways plastic provides you with saving opportunities. It is cheaper to produce. Nonetheless, it is also cheaper to install and provides life cycle savings as well. In relation to the former point, plastic is a lot lighter and thus is easier to transport. Moreover, you can expect to get a minimum of 25 years out of your plastic pipes. This is because they are much more durable than metal systems. Thus, you won’t have to spend as much on your system over the years. 

Last but not least, the durability associated with this kind of pipe is something that is definitely worth further elaboration. You won’t only benefit from reduced costs. You will also benefit from less hassle. After all, do you really want to have to dig up your farm and replace the pipework? Furthermore, you should also consider the fact that your pipes are likely to be used on a regular basis. Agricultural systems are also always placed underground. When you couple these two facts together you can see why there could potentially be a lot of pressure on your system. This is why it is especially significant that plastic pipes boast such a great level of robustness.

To conclude, when you factor in all of the points that have been touched upon, it is not hard to see why plastic pipes are the best solution for those in the agricultural industry. They are robust, durable, cost-effective, easy to transport, and they are resistant to the impact of chemicals. What more could you possibly want?