The Simple Stuff Increasing Your Farm’s CO2 Footprint

On a farm, it’s essential to help the environment because the planet helps you. Without rich soil and heat from the sun, nothing would grow and your lifestyle would wash away like the earth after a heavy flood.

For the most part, farmers are happy to do their bit and follow Mother Nature’s rules. However, we’re not infallible and some people don’t realize they are harming the environment when they are farming.

As much as it sounds like an excuse, it’s the truth because some things seem benign yet add up in the long-term. Here are four examples of the little things you may be doing to harm the planet.

Tilling The Land

The ground needs preparing for harvest at certain times of the year. To do this, there’s a good chance you still prefer the old-school method of plowing the land as it gets down deep and turns over the soil. The other impact it has is to release dormant CO2 into the air. The molecules which aren’t airborne are washed away with the mud and end up polluting rivers and water sources. Conservation tillage is the answer as it keeps the carbon in the soil and helps the earth to retain its solidity.

Dealing With Third-Parties

Everything you do may be natural and organic, but the same can’t be said for your partners. To farm effectively, you need to import and buy materials, as well as export and sell them to buyers. This fact means there is bound to be a lot of CO2 emissions through transport alone. Thankfully, bulk buying produce can eliminate the need to ship in essential materials constantly. Also, there is the conservational factor to consider. Oil stop valves on ships prevent a deadly discharge of the black stuff from running off into the sea. Ask companies for specifics before agreeing to use their services.


Maintaining Livestock


If there are cattle, sheep and pigs on the farm, they will require a lot of attention. During the day, they will take care of themselves yet they still need feeding and watering. And, at night, most livestock require a warm place to sleep too. Gas and electricity costs, then, can skyrocket as you usage balloons. Traditional methods aren’t eco-friendly, which is why you should consider renewable alternatives. Solar panels and wind turbines use the elements to create energy and power the farm without any harm to the planet.

Using Fertilizers

There is too much at stake to hope the ground has enough nutrients; you need to be sure. The problem with fertilizer is that they seep into the air once during the tilling process. Plus, there is the supply chain to factor in also. Some even contain harmful chemicals which help kill pesky pests. There is nothing wrong with adding nutrients to the ground as long as the fertilizer is organic. You can make your own by following the advice underneath.

Isn’t it better to know what goes into the products you use rather than to trust the manufacturers?