Better Farm Welcomes Home A Herd Of Very Silly, Sweet Alpacas

We are ecstatic to introduce you to our latest adopted family members, six huacaya alpacas rescued from a local neglect case.

A large herd of these guys were intercepted from a farm where they weren't being fed and were suffering from extreme neglect, malnourishment and, consequently, starvation. Not all the animals survived, but 13 (including two babies) did -- and those that made it are unbelievably tough, ridiculously sweet, and in desperate need of some time and socialization to really come out of their shells and learn to trust people again.

The person who discovered these creatures on the verge of starvation and nursed them back to health today sent six members of the herd over to Better Farm so that we can give them extra TLC -- especially to two of the more frightened alpacas, Inez (the all-black female alpaca in the far left of the above picture), and Frankie Blue Eyes (the white male in the foreground of the same photo). Inez means "holy", or "pure" -- a fitting name if we ever heard one.

Since last summer, these gentle giants have been getting nursed back to health, and we're honored to have the torch passed to us for the continued love and nurturing these beautiful babies so deserve. The other half of the herd, which includes two families: two babies, two moms, two dads, and one honorary family member, will go all together to another forever home where they'll never suffer another day in their lives.

The alpaca rehabilitation has also included a much-needed, years-overdue shearing (FORTY POUNDS WORTH) so yes, there is a TON of ethically harvested alpaca fiber and yarns coming our (your!) way. Stay tuned for weaving and knitting workshops, and fun textile additions to the Better Farm store!

While these boys and girls are enjoying their new digs, we'll be enjoying moving their paddocks around (called advanced cell grazing—more info on that to come!) to control the alpacas' uncanny landscaping abilities, taking full advantage of their ability to fertilize and nourish the garden, trim down brush, mow the grass, and help control pests. The symbiotic relationship works to give the alpacas (and horses, and chickens) valuable jobs while never being stuck in a pen of mud ever again.

Here are some photos from today's transport:

And here's the crew hanging out enjoying some fresh grass, yummy hay, and all kinds of sunshine:

Huge thanks go to all our helpers who made this challenging transport today possible! To learn about all the rescued, rehabilitated animals at Better Farm, click here.


Nicole Caldwell

Nicole Caldwell is a self-taught environmentalist, green-living savant and sustainability educator with more than a decade of professional writing experience. She is also the co-founder of Better Farm and president of betterArts. Nicole’s work has been featured in Mother Earth News, Reader’s Digest, Time Out New York, and many other publications. Her first book, Better: The Everyday Art of Sustainable Living, is due out this July through New Society Publishers.