End-of-July Art Show, Poetry Reading, Graduation, and Superlatives

Bob Laisdell acts as keynote speaker at last week's graduation ceremony and art show.
Last week's graduation ceremony and art show celebrated the completed curriculum for Better Farm's Sustainability Education Program students Kara Colarusso, Jacob Firman, and Rebekah Kosier; and showcased the work of betterArts residents Ashley Jones and Bradley Harrison.
Master of Ceremonies was Bob Laisdell, who has an extensive background in farming and volunteered his time throughout the summer as a mentor for the Sustainability Education students. In addition to the distribution of diplomas, presentation of Ashley Jones' paintings, and poetry readings by Bradley Harrison, trophies were given out for superlatives like "Friendliest" and "Best Chef".

Here are photos from the event and after-party (all photos by betterArts' Director of Marketing, Holly Boname):

There is no way to properly thank everyone for making June and July so successful. To learn more about Better Farm's Sustainability Education Program, click here. For more information about betterArts' Residency Program, click here.