Notes From June Artist-in-Residence Erica Hauser

More than three months have passed since my wonderful June residency at Better Farm, and it is still a source of inspiration.

I did manage to visit a couple more times during the summer to say hello, cook, pick some beans, and help with various projects, such as painting the rain barrel and the 'better be' lettering. I also had time to make some drawings, one of which, an apple branch in the yard, led to an oil painting (36"x36", that I may or may not be finished with) in my studio in Beacon. "The Spot" (acrylic on wood) is another painting done since my stay, a place I didn't go but liked its sign, in nearby Alexandria Bay.

I've already exhibited and sold some of the work I did at the Farm (earnings for next spring's travels, I hope). Several artists I've described it to are considering applying next year. I'm working again on a couple of paintings I had begun, and while I can't replicate the experience of being in the Art Barn on a summer's day, I can still channel that ability to focus and the feelings of peace and creative energy I had there. I just found some hay in my paintbox which made me smile, though I know frost has since come to Redwood and the bright leaves are blowing across the fields.

I recently made prints (available by e-mailing me) of my watercolor of the old green bus that was parked beside the barn and is now apparently in the process of being revived. This is fun to think about. I'd hop aboard that bus if it came my way, bringing some of that Better spirit with it.

See more of Erica's work at