Annual Winter Hike and Craft Beer Tasting Slated for March 12

Join betterArts board members Justin Chirico and Matthew Tardif on Sunday, March 12, for the third annual Winter Hike and Craft Beer Tasting at Better Farm.

Bring your own snowshoes (weather permitting!), or borrow a pair at the farm (rentals subject to availability). If there is no snow, waterproof boots will be sufficient for the hike. Your guides will take you along the Better Farm property and Indian River Lakes Conservancy overlooks. encompassing beautiful views of the pristine beauty of the North Country. This year, several of Better Farm's rescued sanctuary animals will join hikers on the journey. Be ready for a few very special hooved guests!

Afterwards, betterArts will host a two-flight craft beer tasting inside Better Farm's main house. Learn about the art of beer brewing while sample local beers from independent brewers. Locally sourced snacks and pairings will also be provided. All money raised for this event supports local arts outreach.

12-4 p.m. Cost: $15, pre-registration required; click here to sign up. Snowshoes are not necessary for participation. Email for further information.